Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The death over the weekend of a 17-year old MMSD student due to gun violence is an unacceptable tragedy. All loss of life leaves a hole in our community, but when a young person is struck down in their prime we all must rally. The party that night had more than 100 attendees according to those who live in the area. And yet today we still struggle to learn what led to this senseless murder. The Madison Police Department was quick to respond to the scene, collect evidence and fought to save the victim’s life, but without the cooperation of those who knew this student or those who attended the party it will be difficult to bring those responsible to justice.

We need people who were present at the party or anyone with information to contact the Madison Police Department at 608-255-2345, or Madison Area Crime Stoppers at 608-266-6014 or

While homicides and shots fired in Madison are down from last year, all violence in our community is unacceptable. There are many efforts across the city, led by the Madison Police Department as well as by Public Health Madison Dane County via their Violence Prevention Unit, to put an end to senseless gun violence. If you know something please come forward, help us bring respect and peace to this lost life by sharing what you know, and help us do the work of making Madison a safer place for everyone.
