Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Today Fire Chief Steven Davis announced his retirement from the Madison Fire Department. I will miss his levelheaded leadership, his dedication to residents, and his common sense approach to difficult problems. Chief Davis’s commitment to equity means that today the Madison Fire Department is a national leader in the employment of women firefighters.

Chief Davis has served the City of Madison community since 1989. He has held positions within the Department as Firefighter, Paramedic, Training Officer, Fire Lieutenant and Division Fire Chief of Training. His depth of experience helped him guide the Fire Department ably as Chief.

He took a leadership role in the City’s response to COVID-19, rapidly pursuing innovative protocols to keep his staff safe and guiding his department though a challenging and hazardous time. Over the years, the Chief has championed our Community Paramedic program, and was the guiding force in establishing our new CARES team.

He’s been a trusted advisor and a respected member of the City’s management team, and will leave big shoes to fill when he retires next April. I look forward to supporting the Police and Fire Commission as they choose Madison’s next Fire Chief.
