Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.
Mayor Rhodes-Conway reacted to Judge Stephen Ehlke’s decision today to dismiss another lawsuit brought by the national right-wing legal group called the Thomas Moore Society against measures Madison took to provide safe, secure voting during the pandemic.
“It’s been clear from the beginning that using grant funds to help conduct an election during a pandemic was legal. Every court that has been asked across the country has confirmed this. Purchasing hand sanitizer and masks during a global pandemic and paying poll workers was the only way to ensure that voters could vote and poll workers could work safely. It is also obvious that our Clerk encouraging Madison residents to vote is not illegal – it is part of her job. Government should be helping people to vote, not constantly throwing up more roadblocks to participating in our democracy. We appreciate the courts recognizing, again, that the 2020 election was conducted properly, and that it is over,” said the Mayor.


  • Katie Crawley, 608-266-4611
City Hall