Incident Type: 
Special Rescue
Monday, August 1, 2022 - 9:30pm
Monday, August 1, 2022 - 9:54pm
5600 block County Highway V
Vienna, WI 53532

The Madison Fire Department’s Heavy Urban Rescue Team (HURT) was called to assist DeForest Fire and Sun Prairie EMS with a special rescue involving a man trapped inside the drum of a concrete mixing truck. UW Med Flight also responded.

The man was performing maintenance when he fell into the drum. The drum did not contain any cement at the time, but it was in motion when he fell inside. The drum was shut down prior to the MFD HURT’s arrival.

Rescuers identified an access hatch, and Madison and Sun Prairie paramedics entered the drum to begin patient care. The access hatch was not large enough to allow the patient to be removed, so the MFD HURT used their plasma cutter to widen the opening. The patient was removed from the mixing drum at 11:01 p.m.

Sun Prairie EMS took over patient care and transported to the patient to the hospital with UW Med Flight's crew on board.

- EMS and Rescue crews access the patient and begin to coordinate final extrication
- A view inside the cement mixing drum
- An up-close view of the MFD HURT cutting away part of the drum to widen the access hatch


Posted 08/02/2022 - 9:28am

Cynthia Schuster (Public Information Officer)