Date & Time: 
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - 10:00am to 11:00am
Madison Senior Center
330 West Mifflin Street
Madison, WI 53703

It is estimated that, at any given time, one in four Americans is actively caregiving for someone. That estimate is likely to be conservative, depending upon how one defines caregiving. Yet it’s really hard to give what one does not have to give, and that means caregiving to and for oneself is just as important. Please join Jody Curley in a conversation about the challenges of being a caring, giving and THRIVING human being.

Jody Curley, M.A., is a Madison native who worked in geriatric care for fifty years, becoming a dementia care specialist and an Alzheimer’s and dementia care educator. She has also been a Tai Chi and Chi Kung teacher for over three decades and continues to offer classes regularly via Zoom. Her students range in age from the thirties to the nineties!

This is a collaborative program with the Monona Senior Center, the Goodman Center, NewBridge Madison and the Madison Senior Center.

Event Cost: Free
Registration Details: Call 266-6581, or email
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Pre-Registration?: Yes
American Sign Language (ASL) Provided?: No

Last Updated : 08/25/2022