Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison, WI – April 21, 2014 If you see our signs in your neighborhood, pay attention. Madison Water Utility’s water main flushing program starts today. Every year during the warm weather months, our crews move from neighborhood to neighborhood across Madison scouring the city’s water mains using an innovative technique known as unidirectional flushing. The aggressive flushing technique moves water at a high velocity through water mains and fire hydrants to clear out sediment from naturally-occurring minerals.
Clean pipes are essential for a clean, healthy water supply, and that’s why Madison Water Utility is committed to maintaining our comprehensive flushing program . However, flushing water mains can temporarily cause discolored water in nearby homes. If you notice flushing signs in your neighborhood, wait until the evening hours to do laundry or run the dishwasher, and make sure your water is clear first. If you do experience discolored water, run a tap in the basement for a few minutes until the water clears.
Want to know when flushing crews will be in your neighborhood? Check out our Water Main Flushing page for updated maps or to sign up for our flushing notification email list.


Water Utility