Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison, WI – April 22, 2015 – We have received several calls over the last two days from concerned business owners who have been contacted by a man claiming to be a Madison Water Utility employee. The man threatened to turn off their water unless he was paid a large sum of money – one business tells us he demanded an immediate payment of $1,400. We know so far that a laundry mat, two hotels and a restaurant have been contacted. The Madison Police Department has been notified.

This kind of scam and others like it are unfortunately common. Here are some important things to remember to make sure you aren’t taken in:

  • Madison Water Utility does not currently turn off water for non-payment
  • We never call customers demanding money
  • We do not take payments over the phone
  • We only accept cash payments at our Olin Ave. billing office or at the City Treasurer’s office
  • All of our employees carry city-issued ID cards
  • Our billing department does not use collection agencies to collect unpaid or overdue bills

If you think you’ve been the victim of a scam, please contact the Madison Police Department.


Water Utility
Health & Safety