Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison Water Utility crews are bracing for what could be a busier than usual main break season this winter. Since temperatures dropped late last week, crews have responded to about a dozen water main breaks across the city. The sudden, extreme cold coupled with a lack of deep insulating snow cover makes water pipes below ground especially vulnerable as the frost line deepens quickly.

If you notice water bubbling up through a crack in the street, or even a large standing puddle of water that would normally be frozen in these single-digit temps, it could be a main break. Contact our Main Break Hotline at (608) 266-4661.

Madison Water Utility emergency crews respond to more than 200 water main breaks every year. That’s why we’re undertaking the enormous task of replacing nearly half our water mains – nearly 400 miles of pipe. Check out our website to find out more about the Utility’s plans to rebuild and renew Madison’s aging water infrastructure.


Water Utility