Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

This week, Madison Water Utility is wrapping up an innovative pipe relining project focused on rehabilitating the aging water mains running beneath sections of West Badger Rd, West Mifflin St., and Lake Mendota Drive. The completed project will eliminate main breaks and bring better reliability to people living in those neighborhoods. Unlike traditional water main replacement where the entire main is dug out and replaced, pipe relining can be completed without gutting the roads and blocking traffic. All three roads have been open to two-way traffic since construction first began in September.

Madison Water Utility was the first utility in Wisconsin to use pipe relining technology on water mains. Cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) rehabilitation allows crews to essentially build a new pipe inside of the old one. Projects are typically completed much more quickly and at a lower cost than traditional replacement - we estimate $175,000 was saved on this project alone.

You can find more information, including video of the project, on our "Inside MWU" news page:


  • Amy Barrilleaux, Water Utility PIO, (608) 266-9129

Water Utility