Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison, WI – October 22, 2014 – The Madison Water Utility Board will be conducting a review of the utility’s fluoridation policy at its upcoming October 28th meeting. The policy was last reviewed in 2009.
In 1946, Madison’s Common Council adopted a resolution calling for the addition of fluoride to the city’s water supply to improve dental health among residents, especially children. In its recent policy statement on public drinking water fluoridation, Public Health Madison Dane County concluded that the program should be continued:

“The use of water fluoridation has provided an effective and cost efficient method to deliver preventative services to promote oral health to all residents within a community served by municipal water supplies, regardless of socioeconomic status or access to care …To reach children and other at-risk populations for dental caries, water fluoridation is still the most efficient method of delivering safe and effective levels of fluoride.”

Madison Water Utility currently adds fluoride to the water supply to reach a target concentration of 0.7 parts per million, as recommended by the health department.


Water Utility