Introduction to Aerial Arts for Teens/Adults

Provided by
Wild Rumpus Circus-Mazo Movement Arts Center

We’ll be spinning, flying and dangling from single-point, low-flying trapezes and aerial silks. After learning/reviewing the basics, we will set up learning, play and practice structures which pose new challenges for a variety of experience levels. No previous aerial experience is necessary.

Who: Adults/teens 13+
When: Sundays, 5-6:15 p.m.  10/8-11/5/1 ; 5 weeks

NEXT SESSION: 2/25-3/25/18

Where: Goodman Community Center, Madison 
Cost: $80 for the 5-week session.

Pre-registration required.


$80 for the 5-week session.
Partial scholarships available. Email to inquire.
Pre-registration is required.
Wheelchair accessible doors with small graduated ramps from parking lot onto main pavement outside the main entrance.
We accept all children into our workshops and classes. As we do not have special training, we may ask a parent or guardian to assist.
We speak Spanish and German!