Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Wendy Vardaman and Sarah Busse, Madison's Poets Laureate proudly announce the eight 2013 selected poets for Bus Lines, a high school poetry competition that prints selected poems on placards right above the seats on Metro Transit busses. Poems are posted on the Metro Transit website at

• Maria Avina, Grade 12, Madison West High School
• Anthony Cordio, Grade 10, Malcolm Shabazz High School
• Giulia Ferreira, Grade 12, Malcolm Shabazz High School
• Isabel Karp, Grade 10, Memorial High School
• Cody Mattews, Grade 11, Malcolm Shabazz High School
• Gen McCarthy, Grade 9, Abundant Life Christian School
• Angelo Spagnola, Grade 12, Malcolm Shabazz High School
• Natalie Treleven, Grade 11, Malcolm Shabazz High School

Students whose poetry was selected for Bus Lines are invited to give a public reading of their work at the 21st Annual Poetry Marathon at Olbrich Gardens on June 23, 2013 (Bus Lines poets will read sometime between 2:00pm and 2:30pm)

Bus Lines, is a collaborative project involving: Madison's Poets Laureate; Madison Arts Commission; Metro Transit; Madison Metropolitan School District; and Madison Public Library.


  • Karin Wolf, Arts Program Administrator, (608) 261-9134
  • Mick Rusch, Metro Transit Marketing & Custo, (608) 266-4466
