Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Shortly after 9:00 pm, City of Madison Fire Department responded to a 38-unit apartment complex at 1042 Moorland Road. When firefighters arrived, occupants were evacuating the building. Ladder 6 crew went to the basement level where they found the hallway filled with smoke. They entered Apartment #6, where they saw flames coming from the kitchen area. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire and ventilated the building.
Fire alarms were sounding throughout the building.
Residents were allowed to return to their apartments, except for the occupants where the fire occurred. Red Cross is assisting one person, who was home at the time of the fire, with immediate needs.
The fire was caused by unattended cooking, which damaged the kitchen appliances and cabinets and caused moderate smoke damage throughout the 1 bedroom apartment.


  • Bernadette Galvez, 608-279-7168
  • 608-261-9844
