Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

City of Madison Fire Investigators determined the fire at Ragstock was a result of improper disposal of smoking materials. Thursday afternoon at 3:44 pm, fire crews were dispatched to 329 State Street for a report of a fire in the Ragstock store office, which is located above the retail shop. Ragstock sells new and recycled clothing and accessories.

Store employees were closing the store when they noticed smoke inside the building and called 911. Ragstock is just around the corner from Fire Station #1 which is located at 316 W. Dayton Street, so fire crews arrived on scene within three minutes. Smoke and flames were visible when fire crews arrived. Firefighters gained access to the upstairs office, which was heavily charged with smoke. Crews found the seat of the fire which was quickly extinguished. To release the smoke and hot gases, firefighters ventilated the building by breaking several windows. Several stores are adjacent to Ragstock, as are many buildings on State Street, but there was minimal or no damage to those structures.

The Ragstock office sustained major fire and smoke damage. The retail store suffered smoke and water damage. The estimated damage to the building is $30,000 damage and to contents at another $70,000.


  • Bernadette Galvez, 608-279-7168
  • 608-261-9844
