Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Pedestrian safety just took a step forward.

A statewide committee of judges, the Bail Bond Committee, agreed to a request by Madison Alder Sue Ellingson to double the fine for failure to yield to a pedestrian. On January 1, it will increase from $75 to $150. With mandatory costs and assessments, the total amount of the ticket will be $240.

"I'm very happy that we'll have another tool to help protect pedestrians," said Alder Sue Ellingson, who represents District 13. "Walkability is a key factor in a healthy city. It's especially important in my close-in district where many neighbors walk and bike to work and school."

Ellingson sent a request for the increased fine to the Wisconsin Judicial Commission in October. The Madison Common Council unanimously adopted a resolution of support. Madison Police Chief Noble Wray and Mayor Paul Soglin also favored the increase.

Madison Judge Dan Koval argued for the change at the Bail Bond Committee, where he is a member. The Bail Bond Committee, which sets fines for traffic violations across the state, agreed to the increase.

"I've worked for pedestrian and bike safety throughout my term," Ellingson said. "I've held neighborhood meetings that resulted in improvements to the intersection of Park St and Fish Hatchery Rd and one about pedestrian safety on Monroe St. And I've advocated for residents who want speed humps and traffic islands."

"A great city is one that's built for people, not cars," Ellingson continued. "It's one of my top priorities."


  • District 13 Alder Sue Ellingson, 608-259-1824
  • Madison Municipal Judge Dan Koval, 608-264-9280