Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Celebrate the Holidays at the Madison Senior Center

Relax during the holidays at the Madison Senior Center's Classic English Tea on Friday, December 7 from 2-4 pm. This lovely gathering is sponsored by BrightStar and features tea service and delicacies in three courses; savory, scones and sweet. They are served slowly, so guests can linger, talk, and enjoy. Providing an ambiance of good cheer and friendship, the Yahara String Quartet will serenade guests with light classical and seasonal music while tea, delicacies and gourmet chocolate are served. Purchase your $16 tickets by Monday, December 3. All proceeds benefit the Madison Senior Center's programs and activities. Call 266-6581.


  • Pat Guttenberg, 608-266-6581