Council President Keith Furman received four (4) resumes to fill the Aldermanic District 12 vacancy by the 4:30 pm deadline on December 13, 2022. Three out of the four applicants indicated they intended to run for a full term in the upcoming Spring Election.

On November 24, Alder Syed Abbas announced his resignation from the Common Council, effective December 1, 2022.

On Tuesday, December 13, at the Common Council Executive Committee’s regularly scheduled meeting, the committee discussed the unique situation of this vacancy occurring while nomination papers for the Spring Election are currently being circulated. The committee decided not to interview the residents who applied, due to a desire to not give a candidate an unfair incumbent advantage in the Spring Election. Additionally, the committee felt the short time period available to onboard a new alder between now and the Spring Election creates additional challenges to filling the vacancy.

The committee directed the Common Council President to use the Alternative Procedure available under Madison General Ordinance 2.03(7):

If (a) there is a vacancy on the Common Council, and (b) the time for filing nomination papers for a spring election has passed, and (c) the spring election has not been held, the vacancy shall be filled by the procedure in this subsection. The Council President shall seek applications from one-two (1-2) persons who have been members of the Council or the County Board, are resident(s) of the district at issue, and have not filed papers to run for the seat. The Common Council Executive Committee will review the application(s), and will make a recommendation to the Council to fill the unexpired term until the spring election. The Council may fill the seat with the recommended person, or decline to fill the seat.

District 12 residents who have been members of the Council or the County Board can mail in an application to by January 6, 2023 at 4:30 pm.

Applications should include:
· Name
· Address
· Telephone Number (Home/Mobile/Work)
· E-mail address
· A biographical resume should include education, work, neighborhood, and civic experience

It's possible this vacancy won’t be filled, but while this vacancy is open, Council Leadership will continue to work to make sure the voices and needs of District 12 residents are met.
