Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Public Health Madison & Dane County reminds parents that keeping their children up to date on vaccinations is important for their health. Routine childhood vaccinations help prevent 14 diseases that used to be common in the United States. Public Health offers free immunizations to uninsured children 18 years and younger by appointment.

“While the school year is starting off differently for kids because of the pandemic, the importance of keeping up to date on routine childhood vaccines remains the same,” says Sarah Hughes, Immunization Coordinator for Public Health Madison & Dane County. “School may be virtual, but kids still need shots. Just because they won’t be in a classroom with others doesn’t mean they can’t be exposed to diseases like whooping cough or influenza, which can make them really sick and sideline them for days or weeks,” adds Hughes.

“We’re especially concerned about the flu season coinciding with the pandemic this fall and winter,” says Hughes. “We want kids, and their families, to get vaccinated for the flu early this year. Don’t wait until fall to do it, when flu will most likely be starting to circulate in our community,” continues Hughes.

Public Health Madison & Dane County offers free childhood vaccines, including flu vaccine, to uninsured children 18 years and younger. Vaccines are offered by appointment several times a month at their South Madison clinic. To make an appointment, call (608) 266-4821.

“Immunizations are safe and effective, and we’re taking precautions to protect the health of our clients when they come to get their shots,” says Hughes. “Don’t let your child fall behind on vaccines, putting them at risk of getting sick with the diseases they’re meant to prevent. If enough kids aren’t protected, we could start to see an increase in these diseases, and our community herd immunity begin to drop,” adds Hughes.


Health & Safety