Incident Type: 
Sunday, November 18, 2018 - 3:10am
Sunday, November 18, 2018 - 3:15am
Sunday, November 18, 2018 - 3:39am
6300 Alison Lane
Madison, WI

Madison Fire Department investigators have determined this fire was accidental as a result of unattended cooking. A pan of oil was placed on the stove over medium-high heat. The occupant walked away and forgot about the pan of oil until smoke detectors activated, alerting her to the fire in her kitchen. The fire had already produced a dangerous amount of smoke, so the occupant evacuated her duplex, leaving the door open behind her in hopes it would help the smoke dissipate. In fact, the open door allowed more air to flow into the household, feeding the fire which caused an estimated $75,000 in damage.

This is the second cooking-related fire to occur in a four-day time span. As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, a time when many household kitchens become a hectic place, the Madison Fire Department reminds the public of the importance of remaining attentive while in the kitchen: 

  • Stand by your pan.
  • Keep an eye on what you fry.
  • Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove.
  • Keep a pan lid or cookie sheet nearby to cover the pan if it catches on fire. Do not apply water to grease fires.

If confronted with a fire in your home, evacuate immediately, closing doors and windows behind you as you’re able, and call 911. Leaving doors and windows open allows air to fuel the fire, causing it to grow and spread to other rooms and hallways. Visit for more information about why closing doors is an effective way to keep fire contained, potentially saving lives and property.

Find more Thanksgiving safety tips on the MFD Blog.

Posted 11/19/2018 - 11:21am

Residents we awoken in their homes on the 6300 block of Alison Lane early Sunday morning by a smoke detector sounding in their duplex unit. They notified their neighbors who called 911 and all residents of the duplex safely evacuated. Fire Department units were dispatched at 3:10 am and Engine 7 was first on scene at 3:15 am. The fire which started in the rear of the unit had spread to the attic and roof. The fire was reported extinguished at 3:39 am.
The unit where the fire originated sustained heavy smoke, water and roof damage which will make it uninhabitable. The adjacent unit sustained smoke and water damage. There were no injuries reported, however all residents of the duplex were displaced and Red Cross provided assistance.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

The Madison Fire Department reminds you to test your smoke detectors monthly and change their batteries twice a year. Working smoke detectors save lives!

Posted 11/18/2018 - 8:05am

Amy Lampe, Fire Prevention Officer, (608) 243-0180,