Incident Type: 
Saturday, July 22, 2017 - 10:52am
400 River Street
Belleville, WI 53508

On Saturday, July 22nd around 10:30am, City of Madison Fire Department Hazardous Incident Team (HIT) was contacted by Belleville Fire Department regarding monitor readings they were concerned about in a Casey’s General Gas Station and Convenience Store.

Madison Fire Department HIT leader conferred with by phone. the situation with Belleville Fire Department personnel. After their conversation, HIT 7 responded to Belleville along with a Madison Fire Department Assistant Chief.

MFD HIT took several readings inside the Convenience Store after naturally ventilating the building. All readings read normal. The building was then closed up
and more readings were taken to ensure the levels remained within the normal levels.

Madison Fire Department HIT members determined the building was safe. Belleville Fire will monitor the building in the morning before the business opens. Belleville Fire Chief Hollis has also been in contact with the DNR and was encouraged to contact Madison Fire Department Hazardous Incident Team with further questions.

Posted 07/25/2017 - 12:42pm

Bernadette Galvez, 608-243-0180