Incident Type: 
Gas Leak
Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 1:45am
Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 1:53am
2900 block Curry Parkway
Madison, WI

Several residents inside a Curry Parkway apartment building had a startled awakening Wednesday morning, but all are safe thanks to a vigilant neighbor.
A tenant called 911 when she smelled natural gas around her apartment. She and her roommate stepped outside to await the arrival of Ladder Company 6. No other residents evacuated—many were probably sleeping.
With a Sensit air monitor in tow, firefighters stepped into the apartment building. The entire crew agreed there was a smell of natural gas, and their handheld device confirmed it.
Firefighters knocked on several doors and woke up the residents. There were no elevated natural gas levels detected in a number of apartments; however, they approached one door where nobody answered. Crouching down to attempt to get a gas reading from that unit, firefighters placed their air monitor near the crack along the bottom of the closed door. Readings grew stronger, indicating the gas appeared to be concentrated in this apartment.

Fortunately, the landlord happened to live in a nearby unit. He opened the door, and firefighters were met with the strong smell of natural gas. The highest concentration of gas readings were centered upon the stove, where firefighters found a control knob slightly open.

With MG&E already en route, Ladder 6’s crew split up – some turned off the stove and began ventilating the apartment while others evacuated any remaining residents from the building.
Firefighters confirmed the gas connection to the stove was okay. When MG&E arrived, natural gas levels were near zero. All apartments were checked one more time and were found to have no gas readings. Occupants were invited to return to their apartments. Nobody reported feeling ill at any time.

Posted 09/08/2016 - 8:36am

Cynthia Schuster (Public Information Officer)