Incident Type: 
Friday, August 19, 2016 - 7:53am
Friday, August 19, 2016 - 7:58am
3800 block Sunbrook Rd.
Madison, WI

A lightning strike at a duplex on Sunbrook Court caused $10,000 in damage Friday morning.
Occupants were lying in bed when they heard a large boom at approximately 7:50 a.m., followed by the sight of a blue flash and sparks falling from the roof of the garage. The couple went to investigate and found smoke in the garage upon opening the door.
Damage indicates a fire started in the garage attic. Styrofoam dropped down and ignited a mattress stored there. One resident grabbed the garden hose and brought it inside as he removed the smoldering mattress from the garage. With the garden hose, he was able to put out the the small garage fire and smoldering mattress prior to firefighters’ arrival.

Firefighters climbed the roof to confirm the fire was out and checked for extension. The adjacent duplex was also searched for victims and fire extension. That duplex was unaffected, and nobody was inside at the time. One firefighter was injured during the search of the neighboring attic when he fell through the attic floor and caught himself with his arms.
There’s minimal fire damage to the garage ceiling and loft space above the affected duplex. The lightning strike also caused damage to the exterior soffit below the chimney, ceiling of a bedroom, and to a circuit breaker panel box in basement. The occupants have been advised to have an electrician examine the building’s wiring as repairs take place.


Posted 08/19/2016 - 5:53pm

Cynthia Schuster