Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Local Church & MPD Spread Warmth

Madison Police officers are spreading the warmth again this winter as the Madison Police Department kicks off the seventh annual "We've Gotcha Covered" campaign. Thanks to the continued generosity from Door Creek Church, 6602 Dominion Drive, officers are again armed with hundreds of hats, gloves and mittens for those in need.

They keep the items in squad car trunks and distribute them to those in need throughout the community. Some are distributed through our community partners, while others are available for officers who encounter people in need.

One veteran MPD sergeant recently contacted a gentleman wearing only one shoe, a woman's winter coat - which was much too small - and no hat or gloves. The sergeant reflected:

"Upon being advised by this male that he was okay, I provided him with a hat, to which he was very happy to receive. I then provided him with a pair of gloves and he was absolutely speechless that I was not only giving him a hat, but gloves too. He was very appreciative, thanking me. As I drove away, he was walking and shaking his head left and right, still surprised by receiving these items from a police officer."

Madison Police officers will be delivering some of the hats, gloves, and mittens to not-for-profit agencies whose clients are in need of a helping hand this holiday season, while downtown officers will continue to seek out those without permanent housing who might also be in need of some warmth.

The program is managed by the MPD's Crime Prevention office in conjunction with Door Creek Church.


  • Officer Frank Chandler, 266-4238
  • Pastor Randy Olson, 222-8586
  • Joel DeSpain, 266-4897
