Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Taking Steps for Your Health

Madison Parks is pleased to begin a local chapter with Just Walk, Walk with a Doc program.

(Madison, WI) Walk with a Doc is a free program for anyone interested in taking steps for their health by enjoying a refreshing, rejuvenating walk in the park. Walk with a Doc was founded in 2005 by Columbus, Ohio cardiologist David Sabgir, as a way to encourage healthy physical activity, with the goals of reversing the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and improving the health and well-being of our country. The Walk with a Doc program now has chapters in 19 states. The Madison Parks chapter would be the first in Wisconsin!

"Madison Parks is excited to kick off this new program," says Kevin Briski, Madison Parks Superintendent. "Public parks around the nation can and should be a part of a program for healthy lifestyle. We are eager to partner with Madison's healthcare providers to showcase our parks."

The organized walks will start in a Madison Park and will be led by a local doctor. The walks will be held at all times of the day: morning, afternoon, evening; weekday/weekends.

The physicians, specialists and healthcare professionals from Madison will provide:
• a 5 minute talk at the beginning of the event about a health topic of their choice.
• lead the walk and answer questions from participants.

Each walk will be approximately 30-45 minutes. People of all ages and abilities are invited to participate.

The first Walk with a Doc will be held on October 6 at 10a.m.

Event Name: Just Walk: Walk with a Doc, presented by Madison Parks.
Date: October 6, 10a.m.
Location: Owen Conservation Park, 6021 Old Sauk Road
Topic: Weight Loss Surgery and Medical Care for Weight Loss
Physician: Join Jacob A. Greenberg, MD, EdM, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Assistant Professor of Surgery, Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery

Join Dr. Greenberg for an invigorating walk in Owen Park. Dr. Greenberg will provide walk participates with information on his specialty of weight loss surgery and medical care for weight loss.

To see a listing of more Walk with a Doc events, please visit the website. This website will continue to be updated as more walks are added to the calendar!


  • Laura Whitmore, 608-266-5949
