Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The City of Madison Clerk’s Office would like voters to know the answers to the ten most frequently asked questions they receive regarding voter registration.

  1. “Am I registered to vote?” 

You can look up your voter registration by entering your name and date of birth at   

  1. ”I think I missed an election.  Does that mean I have been removed from the poll list?” 

No. If someone goes four (4) years without voting, they will be sent a postcard asking whether they want to remain on the poll list.  Former voters who did not respond to the postcard would have been removed from the poll list.

  1. “What if the name on my voter ID isn’t an exact match to my name on the poll book?” 

Poll workers will be able to use common sense.  If your ID says Robert but you registered to vote as Bob, poll workers will recognize that as the same name.

  1. ”I moved to a different apartment in the same building.  Can my voter registration stay the same?”

No, you will need to update your voter registration to reflect the new apartment number.

  1. “I changed my name.  Should I update my voter registration?”

You will need to update your voter registration once you have updated your name with the DMV.  Until you have a voter ID that reflects your new name, you may continue voting under your previous name.

  1. “I have switched political parties.  Do I need to update my voter registration?”

No.  Voter registration in Wisconsin is not associated with political party.

  1. “All of my bills are electronic.  How can I prove my address when registering to vote?”

Your proof of address can be an electronic document showing the name and address on your voter registration form.  You could prove your address with an electronic utility bill (water, gas, electric, phone, cable, internet), bank statement (bank, credit union, credit card, or mortgage), or government document (City Assessor website, Madison Public Library LINKcat account, My UW website, or public high school Infinite Campus).

  1. “When is the deadline to register to vote?”

You actually can register to vote at the polls on Election Day with proof of address.

  1. “Does cancelling my voter registration mean I won’t be called for jury service?”

No, Wisconsin courts randomly select potential jurors from a Department of Transportation list.

  1. “I received a registration form in the mail.  Does that mean I’m not registered to vote?”

Not necessarily.  Several advocacy groups that are not associated with the Clerk’s Office or the Elections Commission send out mass mailings about voter registration, but the mailings may be based on outdated or inaccurate data.  To verify your voter registration, check or contact the City Clerk’s Office at (608) 266-4601 or


City Hall