Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Beginning Wednesday, October 10, Speedway Sand and Gravel will close Olin-Turville Court between East Lakeside Street and the Olin Park boat launch parking lot in order to repair sanitary sewer.  The City of Madison Engineering Division has contracted Speedway Sand and Gravel to slipline the sanitary sewer from the west side of John Nolen Drive to East Lakeside Street.

Vehicular access to the boat launch parking lot will be from John Nolen Drive at the intersection with East Olin Avenue. The gates across Olin-Turville Court south of the boat landing will remain opened throughout the project.

Bicyclists and pedestrians should follow East Lakeside Court to its dead-end and cross the bridge to rejoin the path to avoid the closed section of Olin Turville Ct (see attached map).

Work is anticipated to be completed Friday, November 9.


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