Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Common Council denounces the Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin’s action in the murder of George Floyd on May 26, 2020. The video of the tragic killing of Mr. George Floyd played out for the world to witness. Once again, we heard the words – "I can't breathe, I can't breathe.” Again, those words are met with silence by the officers’ present at the scene.

We know that not all police officers are evil, but Officer Derek Chauvin’s actions were deplorable, horrific, and infuriating. We also deplore the actions of the officers who stood by and did nothing and expect them to be held accountable as well with charges.

What we ask and expect of all police departments is to hold yourselves accountable. The community depends on the police department from the top to the bottom to act in such a way that if they see another officer doing something that is unsafe, out of standard operating procedure, unacceptable, illegal, or if someone’s life is in danger as a result of their action - to step in and stop it. It is not as simple as to report the incident, we want officers to take responsibility and intervene, especially if someone’s life is in danger by the hands of their fellow officers and to protect and serve.

We do not need to view any more videos; we do not need to hear any more reasons as to why this has happened. We do not need to add another African American to this list of injustice. George Floyd's name does not stand alone; He now joins the list of injustice - African Americans that are unarmed and have lost their lives at the hands of one of our nation's police officers.

Today, we stand in solidarity to say no more deaths, no more additions to this rapidly growing list of names, no more excuses, and do no more.​​​​​​​

Ald. Sheri Carter, Common Council President
Ald. Patrick Heck, District 2
Ald. Lindsay Lemmer, District 3
Ald. Shiva Bidar, District 5
Ald. Marsha Rummel, District 6
Ald. Donna Moreland, District 7
Ald. Arvina Martin, District 11
Ald. Keith Furman, District 19
