Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

On July 5, 2012 a city employee informed me that members of the individual's family were involved in a disturbing incident in a facility under the supervision of the Madison Parks Division. I was told that the incident involved minor children and Brett Hulsey. I was alerted because, if any action was taken, it could lead to questions of me.

I told the employee that the family should proceed without regard to the impact on the Mayor's Office and that there was to be no further communication with me on the subject until it was resolved.

I had no further discussion about the incident until the week of August 27th when I learned that Brett Hulsey had pled no contest to a charge of disorderly conduct and that he was making reckless suggestions that there were political motivations that led to the charges.

Brett Hulsey owes city employees, particularly the Madison Police Department, the City Attorney's Office, and my office an apology for suggesting that anyone would compromise their professional standards or integrity in order to see him cited. Hulsey suggested that perhaps his support of my opponent in the last election was the motivator. Tens of thousands of Madisonians supported Dave Cieslewicz. There is nothing unusual about Mr. Hulsey - he neither merits nor deserves special treatment.

In one news report, the City Parks Superintendent is quoted as saying that there were no previous written reports on Hulsey. That is correct. Another journalist concluded that meant there were no reports on Hulsey. That is incorrect. In 2008, a Madison lifeguard reported to a high ranking staff member that the lifeguard was uncomfortable with Hulsey's presence at a city beach.

It should be noted that when one views Lake Mendota from the site in question during the late afternoon or early evening of July 4, the sun is not over any portion of the lake but behind the viewer's left shoulder.

If Hulsey has any further comments on this matter, I suggest he contain them to apologies to the police officers and city attorneys who serve the City of Madison.


  • Katie Crawley, 608-266-4611