Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

A fire at Trinity Senior Community caused minimal damage thanks to a sprinkler that kept flames in check until firefighters arrived.

City of Madison Fire crews were dispatched shortly before 8:00 pm to 5555 Burke Road. The Chief Officer in charge of the incident called for more resources to respond to the facility, based on the occupancy of the building. Firefighters found a haze of smoke in the hallway of the single story structure. Upon entry to the fire room, they found an activated sprinkler head. Fire crews turned off the sprinkler system and ventilated the building of smoke.

As a result of the fire, damage is estimated at $4,500 in property damage and $500.00 in contents.

Staff at Trinity Senior Community did an excellent job evacuating residents and assisted them into another building, where they were kept safe and warm. Everyone was allowed back into the building. Some resident rooms suffered water damage, but were able to stay in other quarters.

This is an excellent example of how sprinklers can react quickly to save lives and reduce property damage.

No one was injured.

The fire is under investigation.


  • Bernadette Galvez, 608-279-7168
  • 608-261-9844
