Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

March 30, 2013, 10am to noon

The City of Madison Parks Division will be hosting Dog Park Clean-up Day on March 30, 2013. Dog lovers and environmental stewards are encouraged to visit any of the following locations to beautify Madison's six off-leash dog parks: Warner, Quann, Sycamore, Brittingham, Detremal, and McCormick.

Volunteers will be greeted on-site and given the tasks of trimming around the park fences, spreading mulch, scooping up dog poop, and picking-up trash. Some volunteers will bring their dogs. A Park Ranger may be available to give assistance and to educate volunteers about dog parks.

The Parks Division is currently recruiting volunteers to lead projects in Brittingham, Detramal and McCormick Parks. Team leaders will meet and greet with volunteers and pass out materials. If this is a leadership opportunity you've been seeking e-mail Project leaders will be expected to oversee volunteers and be at their designated park from 9:45am to noon. Materials including gloves and trash bags will be provided by the City of Madison Parks Division.

This event is open to both individuals and groups. All ages welcome-as are dogs! To volunteer for Dog Park Clean-up Day visit the website.


  • Laura Whitmore, 266-5949
