Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Construction will begin around September 10 on the City's 2012 path resurfacing project. In addition to reconstructing or resurfacing three existing paths (Reindahl Park, Pilgrim Park and Odana Golf Course), the project will construct the shoulders along the Southwest Path to create a smooth stable surface suitable for walkers and runners. This "pilot" project will improve approximately 1.5 miles of path from Glenway Street to Breese Terrace, one of the most-used segments of the Path.

Like our other major paths, this path was designed with 2-foot wide stabilized grass shoulders, graded relatively flat and kept clear of obstructions for the safety of path users. Since 2001 when this segment was completed, it has attracted up to 3000 users per day, many of them walkers or runners often using the grass shoulders in preference to the paved surface. One result is deeply eroded shoulders that compromise safety for bikes and are not necessarily inviting to walkers or runners. This project will bring the shoulder area up to its original grade adjacent to the pavement and provide it with a level, hard-packed limestone screening surface similar to that used for unpaved, recreational trails throughout the State.

The other result of the popularity of this path is congestion, as the existing 10- to 12-foot wide asphalt surface accommodates a large number of users traveling at different speeds. The all-weather shoulders may help this by providing additional usable width. Of course, walkers and runners will still be absolutely welcome to continue using the paved path, with faster users expected to yield to slower ones and to use caution when passing. But the inviting shoulder surface will give pedestrians an alternative.

Every effort will be made to keep the path open for use during the 2-1/2 month construction period, but bicyclists will be required to walk their bikes around the active construction zone. Faster commuters and recreational riders may want to consider using parallel streets during the construction.

Note that this project is not related to the proposal, currently under consideration, for additional path lighting in this area. The stone shoulders will neither assist nor preclude the lighting, as the underground conduit is already in place.

Southwest Path-September 2012
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We ask that users of the path exercise caution in the area of the construction and thank the adjacent residents for their patience during the process. If you have questions or want further information about this project, please contact Tony Fernandez of City Engineering at 266-9219 or by email at:

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David C. Dryer, P.E., City Traffic Engineer and Parking Manager


  • Tony Fernandez, City Engineering, 266-9219