Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Work Set For Week of October 16, 2012

Beginning the week of October 16, 2012, the City of Madison Sewer Operations Department will be conducting smoke testing of the sanitary sewers in the Lakeland Ave. and Hudson Ave. area. This test involves forcing a non-toxic smoke into the sanitary sewer lines to check for leaks, breaks and defects in the system. The testing is scheduled to take place between the hours of 7:30AM and 3:30PM each day, weather permitting.

Crews will be testing in the following locations:
• 2300 block of Lakeland Ave.

The purpose of smoke testing is to find defects and faulty connections where excess rainwater (inflow) and ground water (infiltration) can enter the sanitary sewer system. Illegal inflow sources/connections include: sump pumps, roof and foundation drains, and storm drain cross-connections. The information gained from smoke testing will help the City find and eliminate unknown sources of inflow and infiltration (I/I) entering the sanitary sewer system. Reducing I/I is an on-going City effort to help:

• Maintain health & safety by reducing the risk of sewer back-ups and overflows as well as the development of sinkholes.
• Extend the useful service life of public sanitary sewer infrastructure; and
• Reduce treatment Costs by reducing the amount of clear water conveyed to the Nine Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The smoke is not a fire hazard, and it will not leave any residue or stains. There are no adverse health effects on plants or animals from the smoke. The smoke is harmless and has a distinctive, but no unpleasant odor. As a precaution, individuals with heart, lung or respiratory problems may wish to move away from areas within the home that are defective and are allowing smoke to enter. Those with health problems or special needs should contact Kyle Frank at the City of Madison Sewer Operations at (608) 261-9996 with any questions prior to testing.

For residents that may have bathrooms, floor drains, or other drains that are not used frequently, it is recommended they pour water through these fixtures prior to testing to ensure the traps are not dry and to prevent smoke from unnecessarily entering the homes at these connections. If smoke does enter the home during testing, please notify on-site crews or contact the Sewer Operations Department. Smoke coming from vent stacks on the roof is normal. However, smoke coming from holes in the ground is not normal and is considered a defect. All such defects will be photographed and logged. The City will contact property owners if a defect is located on private property. The City of Madison Sewer Operations Department will assist with locating and identifying any defects external to residential or business locations. Inspection teams are not permitted to enter your home or business for any reason without permission. In these cases, and for making all necessary repairs, a licensed plumber should be consulted.

It is not necessary for residents to be present while testing is being conducted.

For more information, residents should contact Project Engineer, Kyle Frank, of the City of Madison Sewer Operations Department at (608) 261-9996 or


  • Kyle Frank, (608) 261-9996
  • Sewer Operations General Number, (608) 266-4430
