Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Streets Division is going to be collecting refuse and recycling early in some areas of Madison's central city to accommodate the visit by President Barack Obama. Residents in the Thursday area will have their material picked up early and they are being asked to get their carts back from the street by 9 a.m.

"The Streets Division will begin collecting refuse and recycling earlier than usual in along Park Street and the area around the University of Wisconsin," Madison Recycling Coordinator George Dreckmann said. "Residents who live along Park and Brooks Streets are asked to get their empty carts back from the street as soon as they have been emptied. Security staff wants the carts pulled by 9 a.m."

To accommodate the security requests the Streets Division will be assigning extra collection staff in the Thursday collection districts. This will give residents time to get their carts off the street as requested.

"Starting early and assigning extra crews will ensure that we are able to collect all the material before streets are closed for the Presidential visit," Dreckmann said.


  • George Dreckmann, 267-2626