Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Engagement on Critical Issues

Join this new group as it meets monthly at the Madison Senior Center, 330 W. Mifflin Street, on the second Monday of most months. Join us for coffee at 9 am, issues at 9:15 am, and out by 10:30. It is organized by senior leaders to discuss important political issues, especially those facing older adults. This forum will present a variety of viewpoints with constructive discussion and dialogue welcomed. Additional resource materials and websites will be provided.

September 10: The Politics of Health Care: 5 Reasons to be Worried
Presenter: Tom Frazier, member Dane County AAA, Legislative Committee and member, City of Madison Committee on Aging

October 8: Impact of the Election on Social Security and Medicare
Presenter: Helen Marks Dicks or Lisa Lamkins, State Issues Advocacy Director of AARP Wisconsin

November 12: Post-Election: What Can We Expect Now?
Presenter: Billy Feitlinger, CEO, Wisconsin Alliance of Retired Americans

Senior Leaders: Tom Frazier, Barb Thoni, Billy Feitlinger, Helen Aarli
For More Information: Pat Guttenberg, 608-267-8650 at the Madison Senior Center.


  • Pat Guttenberg, 608-266-6581