Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Suspected parade shooter contemplated carrying out a shooting in Madison

“We are deeply troubled to learn the suspected Illinois parade shooter considered carrying out another attack here in Madison. We feel for the grieving families in Highland Park and all those forever impacted by the events of Monday’s shooting. We recognize tragedy very well could have taken place in our own community. That reality is upsetting to all of us here in Madison, including the members of the Madison Police Department.

Right now, we are waiting to hear more information about the facts of the case from our law enforcement partners. Mass shootings are far too common in our country. The Madison Police Department has recognized this concern for years, has trained for these incidents and has adjusted our staffing of large events accordingly. Protecting you, the members of our community, will always be the top priority for our department.”

-Madison Police Department Chief Shon Barnes


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