Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison Gas & Electric will be replacing the existing wood power poles in their easement along the Southwest Path between Midvale Boulevard and Odana Road, beginning Tuesday, November 20th.

This work will not require the path to be closed, but will cause some inconvenience and require extra caution by users of the path. In some locations, MG&E's overhead equipment will have to partially occupy the path, and bicyclists will be requested to walk bikes around the construction on the remaining narrowed surface. At times there will be service vehicles with flashing lights on the path to access the work sites.

These conditions could continue for a month or more, depending on weather and other conditions.

Please use extra caution when using this section of the path, particularly near the active construction zones. If you have concerns or questions, please contact Tony Fernandez in City Engineering at 266-9219 or email at Thanks for your cooperation.

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David C. Dryer, P.E., City Traffic Engineer and Parking Manager


  • Tony Fernandez, City Engineering, 608-266-9219