Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Weeklong celebrations at nine libraries to showcase services, introduce new library director

Madison Public Library revealed its new logo to nearly 700 library customers at a summer reading celebration Tuesday evening to emphasize the breadth of services it offers to Madison residents and neighborhoods.

"The library is more accessible than ever before as it evolves to meet residents' needs and desires," said Tana Elias, library media coordinator. "With more Internet access, eBooks, and mobile services, as well as a focus on early literacy and digital literacy programming, Madison Public Library is serving a larger, growing role in the community."

The new, colorful logo symbolizes a collection of diverse and engaging materials, and to some represents a path that invokes a sense of adventure.

"Madisonians love to read - we check out over 4 million items every year, an average of 20 items for every city resident. But most people are surprised to discover what else is available to them through their libraries, so we are encouraging library users and non-users alike to learn more about what we offer," added Elias. "This fall we have a new Library Director, a new visual identity, and a new Central Library under construction. What better time than now to demonstrate the many ways the library can enrich our lives?"

Madison Public Library will host weeklong celebrations rotating through each of its nine libraries starting the first week of September to showcase the many collections and services available to the public.

Activities include giveaways, "seek-and-find" adventures to win prizes, as well as opportunities to meet new library director Greg Mickells as he shares his vision for the Madison Public Library.

More information on upcoming Madison Public Library branch celebrations can be found at

Library cards featuring the new logo will be available after September 4 to kickoff "September Is Library Card Signup Month". Cards are free for new card applicants or $1 for current cardholders who opt to replace existing Madison Public Library cards.


  • Tana Elias, Library Media Coordinator, 608-266-4953
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