Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Celebration At Penn Park Tuesday

The Madison Police Department invites you to attend South Madison's 2012 National Night Out celebration on Tuesday, August 7th, at Penn Park.

National Night Out focuses on building partnerships between law enforcement and the community. The event is nationally sponsored by Target Corporation's "Target & Blue" program to support law enforcement. Police departments nationwide will connect with community partners to celebrate community safety and this year's theme, "Taking Back our Neighborhood." The family-friendly event is free for the community.

The event will feature a march through the neighborhood surrounding Penn Park to celebrate community unity. After the march a barbecue will be open to the community and food will be served by MPD's South District Community Policing Team.

There will be featured speakers including representatives from the Madison Police Department, youth representatives from the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County, and leaders from a variety of community resource groups such as Madison Area Urban Ministry and the Urban League of Greater Madison. Other community resource groups will be present to share their mission and host activities for families.

Local entertainers will also performer throughout the night. These include Owls, Foxes, and Sebastian, the Mt. Zion Youth Gospel Choir, MPD Officer Anthony Ward, and many others.

The evening will close with a candlelight vigil for those impacted by neighborhood violence and stargazing at the UW Space Place just a few blocks from the park.

The schedule for the evening will be as follows:

5:00 PM - Gather at Penn Park to make signs for the march. Performances will begin at this time.

5:45PM - Community march

6:15 PM - Formal welcome from Club Today Not Tomorrow and Penn Park Partners

6:30PM - Community Barbeque served by MPD officers

7:00PM - Speakers, entertainment, and community-building

8:30PM - Candlelight vigil followed by stargazing at UW Space Place.

This event is made possible by our community sponsors: Madison Police Department, Penn Park Partners, Bram's Addition Neighborhood Association, South Side Raiders Football and Cheerleaders, Safe Communities, Today Not Tomorrow-Club TNT, City of


  • Joel DeSpain, 266-4897
