Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

March 5, 2013-April 26, 2013, Madison Municipal Building

A child of Polish Holocaust survivors, Morris was born in Gothenburg, Sweden. Morris' parents immigrated to Sweden after their release from the concentration camps in Europe. Morris was 3 years old when his parents, grandmother, older brother and cousin moved to N.Y.C.

As a child growing up in the Bronx, living in tenement buildings, Morris daydreamed a lot as a kid. "My Daydreams were a means of escape…From my confusing incomprehensible surroundings. I remember spending countless hours daydreaming, trying to create images out of the cracks in the ceiling and the walls. Sometimes a line in a crack would suggest the form of a face, sometimes an animal, or sometimes a face would merge into an animal form, etc. All the forms in my paintings are reflections of my surrounds, immediate and past."

Upon graduation from Philadelphia College of Art, Morris went to Israel and for one year lived on a kibbutz. Morris then returned to the Bronx and worked several jobs. He went on a sailing trip around the world with fellow friends he had met while in Israel.

Back in New York he called an old friend from college. This friend was living in Madison, Wisconsin. Morris asked if he could visit. After his visit Morris decided to move to Madison, WI…This is where Morris immersed himself into his art of painting and music composition.

Morris' art work and music have been featured in several galleries and recitals. Currently Morris is enjoying film-making and photography. Morris acquires inspiration from his worldly travels from Latin America, Europe, South East Asia and in between.

The Madison Arts Commission's ARTspace program is open to all Madison visual artists who would like to showcase original two-dimensional works in highly utilized city spaces.


  • Karin Wolf, Arts Program Administrator, 608.261.9134
