Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Jobs vs. the Environment

Join State Senator Tim Cullen for a presentation and discussion of one of the most controversial issues before the state legislature in 2013. He will speak on Monday, February 11, 9:00 am during the Political Forum held at the Madison Senior Center, 330 West Mifflin Street, Madison, WI 53703

Senator Cullen chaired a Senate Committee that heard many hours of testimony from experts and people affected by the proposal to mine iron ore in Northern Wisconsin. He has drafted a bill to permit mining without changing environmental protections. A competing bill would reduce those requirements.

Senator Cullen will talk about the issues, and answer questions from participants. Don't miss this unique opportunity to discuss this critical issue with one of the leading experts on the subject. There is no charge to attend this exciting Political Forum event, sponsored by the Madison Senior Center. Join us at 9:00 a.m. for coffee and treats, with the program starting at 9:15. Call the Senior Center at 608-266-6581 if you plan to attend.


  • Pat Guttenberg, 608-267-8650