Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Madison Public Library Foundation will raise $100,000 to partner with the Madison Public Library in hosting the 2013 Wisconsin Book Festival.

The foundation board approved a proposal from Library Director Greg Mickells that envisions a co-sponsored festival, with the $111,500 of in-kind support from the library and the rest in private funds raised by the foundation. The Wisconsin Humanities Council, the festival's host since its inception in 2002, has already pledged $20,000 in support over the next two years. The remainder of the $100,000 will come from individuals, businesses and foundations.

"Every year, more and more people show their support for the Wisconsin Book Festival by attending," said Foundation Executive Director Jenni Collins, "We are confident that these long-time enthusiasts and the rest of the community will step up to help us continue this important literary institution for Madison."

Mickells envisions a more condensed festival that features fewer events with bigger impact. The main attractions will be centered downtown in the new Central Library, but many of the traditional programs would still continue in the form of pre-festival events in branch libraries around the city.

"Hosting the book festival is such a natural fit for Madison Public Library, especially with the addition of so many beautiful program spaces in our new Central Library," said Mickells. "With the support of the community, we'll really be able to make the 2013 festival a standout among Madison events."

The festival will be one of many signature events during the first year of Central Library's reopening, scheduled for September of 2013. The Foundation has raised more than 80% of its $9 million goal to supplement they city's funding of the $30 million project. Learn more at

Contact Jenni Collins, jcollins@mplfoundation or 266.6318, if you are interested in contributing to the Wisconsin Book Festival Fund or the New Central Library.

About Madison Public Library Foundation
The Madison Public Library Foundation promotes and supports Madison's library facilities, services and programs. Established in 1993, the foundation provides annual project grants, raises funds for capital projects, and promotes awareness of the libraries and their programs. Learn more about Madison Public Library at

About Madison Public Library
Madison Public Library's tradition of promoting education, literacy and community involvement has enriched the City of Madison for more than 135 years. Our nine locations throughout the City of Madison are open six days per week and welcome over 2.35 million visits each year. Visit the library online at to learn more.


  • Jenni Collins, Madison Public Library Foundation, 608-266-6318