Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Madison Mayor Paul Soglin announced today that Moody's has again given the city an Aaa rating with a stable outlook. This is the highest possible rating an issuer can receive. Only a handful of Wisconsin municipalities and governments receive the Aaa rating.

In advance of the city's general obligation borrowing on Tuesday, September 18, this rating affirms Madison's sound financial, budget management, and conservative debt repayment structure.

"This rating is a reflection of confidence in the management of the city's finances, both now and in the future," said Mayor Soglin. "I am pleased with the rating especially in light of the very tight fiscal situation the city is facing because of state aid cuts and levy limits. The city is committed to maintaining its strong bond rating by making fiscally sound decisions in the 2013 budget."


  • Katie Crawley, 608-266-4611