Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The occupants of 7314 Harvest Hill Road first heard a loud boom. One of the occupants smelled smoke and called 911 shortly before 9:00 am. Neighbors saw sparks coming from the roof area of the two-story single family home.

Firefighters from Station #2 on Grand Canyon Drive were first on the scene and saw smoke and flames coming from the second story soffits. The fire began to spread throughout the attic area. Crews immediately gained access to the roof and attic space, extinguishing the fire within 13 minutes.

The fire caused damage to the siding, roof and roof trusses. The home also suffered water damage. There was minimal smoke damage to the interior of the home.

Two people, along with a dog, escaped with no injuries. Their daughter was at work at the time of the fire.

The home suffered an estimated $100, 000 in damage as a result of the lightning strike. The lightning traveled through the home, damaging an outlet, the water meter and electrical panel inside. The occupants contacted their insurance company shortly after talking to fire officials. Their insurance company will provide housing, until they are allowed to return to their home.


Be Prepared! If a disaster were to strike, insurance companies recommend:

• Photograph or videotape each room.
• List the value and serial and model number of items.
• Attach receipts, if you have them.
• Save the list and the photos or video to a DVD, and make at least three copies. Keep one copy in a fireproof place, one at an off-site location and send one to your insurer.


  • Bernadette Galvez, 608-279-7168
  • 608-261-9844
