Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

At 9:15 am this morning, Engine 1 was called for a possible dumpster fire at 1 W. Dayton Street - The Concourse Hotel. Upon arrival, crews noticed smoke coming from a large trash compactor in the loading dock area. They pulled a hose line from Engine 1 and proceeded to put water into the compactor. Firefighters detected a strong smell of ammonia, so they requested the HazMat team to respond to the scene.

Members of the Hazardous Materials Team took a sample from the compactor. Results found the contents to be harmless.

Smoke from the dumpster was a result of a chemical reaction, not a fire.

Pellitteri Waste Systems removed the trash compactor from the loading dock area of the Concourse Hotel. They will dispose and monitor its contents.

No injuries as a result of the chemical reaction.

This was not an active fire and is not considered to be suspicious in nature.


  • Bernadette Galvez, 608-279-7168
  • 608-261-9844
