Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Cyber Safety Committee Named "Bright Idea"

The Madison Police Department is honored to have been recognized this week by Harvard University as having one of the "Bright Ideas" in innovative government initiatives this year.

Specifically, Harvard's Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the John F. Kennedy School of Government singled out work done by the MPD's Cyber Safety Committee:

"The Madison Police Department (MPD) created a multi-disciplinary, community-based approach to promote greater understanding and knowledge about cyber crime and the safe use of digital media. The program includes local businesses, health organizations, and local school districts that have joined together with MPD to create a multitude of approaches to address cyber safety."

The narrative is part of the information posted on Harvard's website. For more on the Bright Ideas go to:

On the MPD's YouTube site (
Cyber Safety Committee member, Officer Chanda Dolsen, talks about the important work being done by her group.


  • Joel DeSpain, 266-4897
