Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Madison Fire Department started today's shift with a lake rescue call on Lake Mendota and a structure fire call on the east side.

The Madison Fire Department's Lake Rescue Team was called to Lake Mendota at 6:49 a.m. for a possible drowning in front of 680 N. Park Street. A boat from the Dane County Sheriff's Office was on scene and directed the rescue divers to the pier by the UW Center for Limnology. Divers performed a search of the water surrounding the pier and located the missing man within 15 minutes. Paramedics transported him to UW Hospital.

The second call was a reported structure fire at Woodman's Market located at 3817 Milwaukee Street. Firefighters were dispatched at 7:15 a.m. for a possible fire in a large freezer in the rear of the building. Crews entered the freezer and used a thermal imager to locate a light fixture with a melted plastic cover. The melted plastic caused an odor of smoke inside the freezer, but damage was limited to the light fixture.


  • Eric Dahl, 608-261-9845
