Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

No one was in the building when a fire broke out at 1212 N. Stoughton Road. Damage at Armark Uniform Service, which supply uniform and rental and cleaning, was kept to a minimum thanks to several sprinkler heads that kept the fire in check until firefighters arrived.

At around 12:12 am, Engine 8 was dispatched to 1212 N. Stoughton Road for a report of a fire alarm sounding. When the crew arrived, no smoke or flames were showing from the front of the building. They drove around the large two story commercial building and found black smoke blowing from the back of the structure. The Lieutenant immediately called for a full fire response and forced entry to the building. When fire crews entered the building, heat and smoke conditions banked down toward the floor allowing visibility to about five feet above the floor.

Four to five sprinkler heads kept the fire from spreading, keeping the fire at bay. Several fire crews extinguished ten to fifteen large metal bins of uniforms, linens and towels with handlines. The bins were located near several loading dock doors, so crews were able to quickly remove the burning and smoldering contents. Extensive smoke damage occurred throughout the second story warehouse and office area. The buildings exhaust fans and loading dock doors were use to help ventilate the building.

Damage is estimated at $100,000 with the cause under investigation.


  • Bernadette Galvez, 608-279-7168
  • 608-261-9844
