Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Firefighters were called around 3:30 pm to 2618 Greenway View. No smoke or flames were showing as fire crews arrived. Three people were inside the home at the time of the fire. Everyone evacuated prior to the arrival of the fire crews. The fire was out when firefighters arrived, but checked for extension to be sure the fire did not penetrate inside the walls and ceiling of the home.
A pan of grease was on the stove, when it started on fire. A resident attempted to put the fire out with water, which splattered onto the person. He was treated and released at the scene by paramedics. There was major fire damage in the kitchen area with smoke damage throughout the first floor. The fire did not spread to the adjacent residence next door.
The fire caused an estimated damage of $10,000. There were working smoke alarms within the home.

Red Cross is assisting 4 adults and 3 teenage children for housing needs.

The occupants have renters insurance.


  • Bernadette Galvez, 608-279-7168
  • 608-261-9844
