Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

A homeowner and her pets escaped without injury from a fire in their mobile home this afternoon. The woman was installing a ceiling fan in a front room of her mobile home when she noticed smoke in the rear of the home. She and her pets, including two dogs and a several birds, quickly evacuated. Once outside, she called 911 to report the fire.

City of Madison firefighters responded at 2:42 p.m. to the fire at 491 Blackbird Lane. Engine 10 arrived on scene and reported a small amount of smoke and flames showing from the roof in the rear of the home. Engine 10's crew quickly pulled a hose into the home and attacked the fire. A crew from Ladder 8 went to the roof and cut a hole to gain access to the fire burning under the metal roofing.

Fire caused damage to the rear of the home and smoke damage was noted throughout the home. Damages to the building and contents are estimated at $8,000. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Make your home safe by taking these simple steps:
• Have working smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside the bedroom door, and on each level of the home.
• Test your smoke alarms each month.
• Make a home escape plan and practice it by having a home fire drill with everyone in your home.
o If the smoke alarm sounds, get out and stay out. Never go back inside for any reason.
o If you have to escape through smoke, get low and go under the smoke to your way out.
o Call the fire department from outside your home.


  • Eric Dahl, 608-261-9845
