Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

In conjunction with UW-Madison's Go Big Read, Madison Public Library is offering three hands-on opportunities for adults to explore the unique artistic process used by author Lauren Redniss in this year's Go Big Read selection, Radioactive.

Artist Aliza Rand, director and art teacher at Violet Art Studios, will facilitate each two-hour class, where adult participants will learn about the process of cyanotype printing and create their own cyanotype prints.

The class will be offered three times:

• Hawthorne Library, 2707 E. Washington Avenue, Saturday, October 13, 10 am - noon call 246-4548 to register

• Sequoya Library, 4340 Tokay Boulevard, Sunday, October 14, 2-4 pm. This class welcomes teens ages 12+. call 266-6385 to register

• Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, 227 State Street, Sunday, October 21, 1-3 pm call 266-6350 to register

Due to space and materials limitations, registration for each class is limited to thirty participants.

For more information about the workshops, contact Trent Miller, Library Gallery Coordinator, at

About Violet Art Studios and Aliza Rand
Violet Art Studios specializes in teaching art classes of all mediums to interested artists and budding artists. Aliza Rand has over ten years of experience teaching private and group art classes to K-12th grades, and was recently an art instructor at UC Berkeley.

Aliza is an internationally exhibiting artist. Her work was recently featured in the Miami Art Basel, at the Kurt Im Hirst Gallery, Berlin for a solo show, and currently her work can be seen in Madison at the Overture Center for the Arts as part of the 44 Presidents, 44 Artists group exhibition. Aliza Rand is also a part owner and one of the two designers for the Couture clothing label, UMSTULPBAR / INVERTIBLE, based in Switzerland. She has a Master's degree from UC Berkeley in Performance Photography and Installation using the medium of cyanotype photography, and a BA from UCLA in Art. For more information visit or

About Go Big Read and Madison Public Library
Go Big Read engages students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members in a shared, academically focused reading experience. Madison Public Library collaborates with UW-Madison to provide greater community access to Go Big Read books and book discussions. For more information visit or


  • Miller , Gallery Coordinator, 608-234-3866